©2024 Edo State Government
Have an environmental concern or issue that needs attention? Use this section to submit your complaints related to environmental pollution, waste management, deforestation, or any other environmental matter. Your feedback is valuable in helping us address issues and improve our environmental management efforts in Edo State.
Share your feedback, suggestions, or compliments about the services provided by the Edo State Ministry of Environment and Sustainability. We welcome your input on how we can better serve the community, improve our programs, and enhance environmental sustainability in Edo State. Your feedback helps us identify areas for improvement and implement changes to better meet the needs of our stakeholders.
Learn about the procedures for reporting environmental violations, emergencies, or concerns to the Edo State Ministry of Environment and Sustainability. Whether it’s illegal dumping, air or water pollution, or wildlife trafficking, know how to properly report incidents and provide necessary information to help us take appropriate action.
Rest assured that all complaints and feedback submitted through this platform are treated with the utmost confidentiality and privacy. Your personal information will only be used for the purpose of addressing your concerns or responding to your feedback. We adhere to strict data protection and privacy policies to safeguard your information.
After submitting your complaint or feedback, expect timely follow-up and resolution from the Edo State Ministry of Environment and Sustainability. We are committed to addressing all concerns and inquiries promptly and transparently. You will receive updates on the status of your complaint or feedback and information on any actions taken to resolve the issue.
For further assistance or inquiries, contact the Edo State Ministry of Environment and Sustainability using the provided contact information. Our dedicated team is here to assist you with any questions, concerns, or feedback you may have regarding environmental matters in Edo State. We value your input and are committed to working together to ensure a clean, healthy, and sustainable environment for all residents of Edo State.